Monday, 15 October 2012



[1]After menopause weight starts increasing due to hormonal imbalance and metabolic changes in the system. Family History and Hypertension also caused weight increase. Diet control, swimming, regular exercise , Self study, self control with proper ahar, vihar, achar, vichar helped to control weight

[2] Mental aggression caused increase in weight. Awareness followed by efforts like regular walk, yogasana and completely avoiding some food items like white sugar, aerated water, deep fried spicy   food, packed and preserved food helped.

[3] Eating food at regular interval of 4 hours, and small intakes in between if needed, remaining physically active all the times, regular walk, and yoga practices for toning of body, cardio vascular needs and flexibility and strength helped control of weight.

[4] Push up, walking, asana, and laughter helped. Had to work at mind level as normally tendency is to eat without hunger and to satisfy taste aptitude. Long Term abhyasa and continuous efforts to create flexibility of body and mind resulted in favour.

[5]Stress  may cause weight increase. Mind generally revolts when given any unacceptable advice particularly about diet control. So mental training followed by regular walk, yoga practices and doing household work with control of quantity of food helped.

[6] By cutting down rice, potato, sugar, oil daily walk, reducing food quantity by 50%, replacing food by fruits, salads, diluted milk, and yogurt helped.

[7] Unless there is strong motivation to reduce weight like threat to life, invalidity of working capacity, or professional needs like sports, acting, dancing etc it is difficult to really reduce weight after certain age.

If strongly motivated one can follow a balanced life to control overweight.

Most of members have been experimenting on self and followers in various ways.Inspite of fairly balanced and disciplined life style and regular practice of yoga and walking some were struggling with the overweight problems.

The common observations were

[1] Life Style related-Overweight occurs because of the undisciplined life style or deviating from nature.

[2]Type, Quantum & frequency of diet- Although in most cases satvic diet taken at regular intervals with quantity limit helps but not in every case. Weight loss achieved through dieting is only temporary and hence not recommended.

[3] Exercise- Regular walk, exercises, Yoga Practices help to control weight but once exercise is stopped the weight regains rapidly.

[4]Heredity Factor- Family history of obesity has great impact and needs to be worked upon with full awareness

[5]One uniqueness of human beings-Each human being is unique and no common fixed formulae works for every human being

Lastly, Hansa ji Jaydeva advised following actions for handling overweight problems as under:

Generally humans are born with typical shape and size of physical structure and thermostat level is set in each body to determine its weight. Any excessive efforts like crash dieting or strenuous exercises can reduce immunity level and cause damage to muscles and tissues of the body. Hence depending upon one’s need a balanced life is needed to be lived.

Balanced satvik diet depending upon physical activity and work, capacity to digest, age, mental and emotional behavior pattern and habits, sleep habits should be taken keeping in mind fitness of the body instead of too much concern about weight.

She suggested that normally 4 meals at regular interval are necessary. Quantity could be adjusted after observation that you feel hungry after 4 hours of every intake. In case one feels hungry in between  fruits, lemon water  could be taken, she also suggested that full glass of liquid like ukala[ boiled herbal tea], butter milk, soup , diluted milk can be taken before each meal so that desire to overeat is controlled. 

One should always try to take little less than required. Vegetables, fruits, milk; yogurt must form part of daily meals.

She was particular in advising about dinner which needs to be very light like milk/ chapati,  soup/chapati, fruits/chapati .Spicy food should not be taken at dinner time and also that one  must take dinner at least 2-3 hours before sleep.

In order to control emotional trauma which not only causes weight gain but even costs one’s life, one needs to divert mind away to regular healthy hobbies like music, songs, dances, gardening, painting, laughing, walking regularly in nature etc

She impressed upon certain yogasanas for spine and pelvic flexibility like yastikasana, bhadrasana, matyasana, hastapadangusthasana, naukasana and suggested  for those who are not able to stand and walk – walking while sitting and demonstrated all these asanas for the benefit of members. She explained all limitations and showed variations for those who cannot do any of these traditional asanas due to physical constraints.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

How to manage Back pain at first stage

Topic of the month given by Dr Jayadeva Yogendra for sharing by the members of the group on Sunday, 11th Nov 2012 at The Yoga Institute , Santacruz East, Mumbai at 11 am.

Those who can not attend the meeting may please share their personal experience on this post or by email to ""

Monday, 10 September 2012

A Report on Dental Health, Hygiene and care held on second Sunday, 9th Sept 2012
The session  began with chanting of Aum for 25 times.

Dr Arun Shah, eminent and experienced Dentist took the session of Forty Minutes
He explained about oral hygiene by way of illustrations in the form of diagrams and the session was concluded with Question / Answer

Here is a summary of the session: 

Plaques is yellow sticky film that form on the teeth and gums, bacteria in plaques causes cavities .Daily brushing twice and flossing in the night  removes plaques and prevent tartar from forming in the teeth. Plaques can also cause irritation and destroy bones around the teeth and teeth may become loose.

He suggested raw vegetables [salads], cheese, fruits so that chewing well the same saliva can be formed and teeth, bones and gums are exercised and make them strong and disease free.

Flossing every night before sleep is important element for oral hygiene since it removes plaques and decaying food particles remaining stuck between the teeth.

Besides, he suggested that medium and small brushes should be used so that it can reach both the ends of jaw to clean all the teeth and make gums strong.Tongue cleaning every morning removes the white/ yellow bad breath, generally coating of bacteria, decaying food particles and fungi deposited over night.

Gum care is necessary .Messaging the gums with bristles or with fingers is also recommended. Chewing well is highly recommended. Chewing gums assist excessive salivation between and around the teeth, cleaning and removing the particles but for teeth in poor condition it may damage or remove loose fittings.

Smoking and chewing Tobacco, Gutka or- Supari [Betel Nuts] are strongly linked with multiple dental diseases and hence surely harmful for oral hygiene.

Oral diseases and inflammation may be a potential risk factor for systemic diseases and hence even a smaller mouth ulcer in gums should be treated in time.
There was a Question/ Answer session wherein many queries for teeth implant, braces, use of tooth paste and how to prevent serious diseases like cancer, fibrosis was discussed.

Periodical dental check up may be every six months to remove plaques by scaling could be useful.

The session ended with practicing of Dynamic Yastikasana for 25 times bringing full attention to different parts of the body and trying to experience relaxation felt therein.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

A Report - Experience of Relaxation in Different Parts of the Body

Swadhyaya,  The Yoga Institute Alumni Association , conducted a sharing session on Sunday 12th August, 2012. The subject, based on the guidance of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra, was on “Experience of Relaxation in Different Parts of the Body.”

The members shared their experiences with various yoga practices such as Savasana, Pavanmuktasana, Hum Sa mantra, Anulom-Vilom, Sattvic diet, other physical activities and in keeping a relaxed attitude.

A practical session followed where all the  members practiced the dynamic variation of Yastikasana, 25 times with breathing rhythm and observed which parts of the body 
were getting relaxed or tensed.

Everyone including associated members who could not attend the meeting in person, is requested to continue this practice at home and share experience by sending email to “”

Dr Jayadeva has further advised that,

“Keeping away from ordinary exciting thoughts and trying to still it, as also of dynamic yastikasana are good ways to consciously manage the mind. To remain one pointed in a steady state for longer time will bring some  progress”

Hence Yastikasana in static pose may also be practiced.

B. L. Agrawala  
Secretary-Swadhyaya Managing Commitee

Sunday, 15 July 2012

A Report on 8th July,2012 Seminar

A seminar on Purusha-Prakrti interface (or interaction) was conducted at the Yoga Institute, for the Swadhyaya Group of the Alumni Association of the Yoga Institute, on July 8, 2012.

The rain gods had given us respite, and the heat and coolness were well balanced, in the peaceful atmosphere, in this place of higher learning, where one' s character gets forged.

Nearly 45 Alumni were present....half a dozen teachers...with Ajay leading with his pleasant presentation, laced with corny jokes, that made the atmosphere of the seminar light.

Kartik's presentation, on Purusha Prakrti interface, was excellent....precise, with each idea cogently explained....

Promil was at her best, leading the group in a guided meditation....explaining important details from a wide spectrum of notes and empiric experience ...
Harry also made his small presentation on the Hum-sa practice, explaining the concept, text and practices....

There was also good recreation...and for moments I thought I was in the film city, with a choreographer, leading the fleet footed and artritic joints of the elder alumni, in a vigourous was a cathartic moment....the body responding to a creative rhythm...

The most important moment was when senior teachers who conducted the seminar were invited for a tete-a-tete (literally meaning putting heads together, a French Expresion)....where Dr. Jayadeva, communicated to our souls as it were, his vision of maintaining the spirit of yoga at the Yoga Institute.

The whole seminar was ably  prepared by the indefatigable Agrawala, a senior alumni....

Hansaji, gave her magic touch in the last session, telling us dullards, to brighten up. Both herself and doctor, spoke of the interaction between pursuha and prakrti, in terms and terminology we could understand. This was the vital message of yoga, do not get material things get better of you....keep your balance with the active presence of your soul in all your dealing with life. Pass on the command of your life from your mind to the soul, or the Purusha was the gist of the seminar.

A wonderful seminar for many of us who participated...

- Sadhaka.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Picnic on 12th August 2012

The Association is pleased to announce a one day Yoga Picnic on Sunday 12 Aug 12.
At Keshav Srusti from 9am-5pm which includes breakfast, lunch, evening tea and a 2 hour Nature Tour. It is proposed to take  around 40 members/family members of the members on first come basis.You may enrol by sending email at or calling/sending sms to Geeta Udasi, Chairperson / B L Agrawala, Secretary as early as possible. And make payment for the same by depositing a cheque either in the drop box placed outside the main hall of the Institute or in our bank account.
You are  requested to carry your rainwear and other personal things. You can also visit 

Monday, 25 June 2012

Samkhya – The Why of Yoga

The students of philosophy know that the six theistic Indian philosophy exist in pairs and are best learnt in pairs; Nyaya-Vaisheshika, Samkhya-Yoga, Veda-Mimansa.

For the students of Yoga, it thus becomes like an inner compulsion at some point, to know and understand Samkhya.

While we worked to produce the Cyclopedia of Yoga Volume 2 the group of us had the good fortune to research the various texts of Samkhya, discuss the various concepts in Samkhya and get clarity from Dr. Jayadeva on all the aspects. It was a humbling experience. Dr. Jayadeva never allowed anything to remain a topic for armchair discussion. Through and through he made us see the practical aspect in everything. Nowhere else can one get to learn Samkhya the way Dr. Jayadeva has taught it.

We wish to invite all the members of Swadhyaya to use this platform for sharing their learning, understanding, and insights with all so that a discussion can be done and learning can continue. I am sure all will agree that learning never comes to an end. The more we know, more we realise how much we have yet to know.

Looking forward to having a good discussion taking place on this forum as well as comments on the blog of our swadhyaya group where you will find brief write ups on various concepts. There may sometimes be just questions to ponder upon, reflect and write. We hope that many will be prompted to send us a post to be put up on the blog or even published on the Swadhyaya page of the Yoga Institute's monthly magazine.

Sharing and Learning Yoga,
Suchitra Pareekh
Swadhyaya-TYIAA Committee member-Publications

Saturday, 23 June 2012

One Day Workshop in July


Dear Yoga Followers,



ON SUNDAY, 8TH JULY 2012 FROM 10.00 AM TO 4.30PM


Registration Fees Rs 250/- includes Lunch and Evening Snacks on First Come Basis limited to 60 Seats only. Registration only by Email. Contact: 
Or fill in the registration form given on this blog and mail it to 

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Swadhyaya on Abhyasa


                                         Swadhyaya on Abhyasa


Swadhyaya - The Yoga Institute Alumni Association organized its first meeting after reconstitution of the Managing committee on Sunday 13 May, 2012 which was attended by 28 participants at 11 am.


Geeta Udasi, the Chairperson welcomed the participants and explained the main objective of the Swadhyaya Group, “The Yoga Institute Alumni Association is a platform for all the Trained Teachers (3/7/12 monthers) to maintain and enhance fellowship amongst the qualified teachers of the Yoga Institute, to review and maintain the bond between these teachers and the Institute as well as its teachings, to interact and share experiences and showcase their talents etc.”


She then invited views of the participants about their understanding of what Swadhyaya’s activities should be, their interest to remain associated with the group and their vision about their own role as members of the group.

To summarize, all felt that self development and understanding one’s own self could be possible by sharing and learning from each other. Regular meetings could strengthen fellowship and benefit all.


The sharing session was followed by a recreation activity conducted by Shreyas Munshi. Activities like Dumb Charades helped break the ice where beautifully formed yoga sentences were depicted by some of the participants silently to be guessed by group members. Participants got the opportunity to guess and show their clear understanding and communication skills.

Topic of the Month- Abhyasa

Suchitra Pareekh had a lively sharing session inviting the group to express their views on what they consider as Abhyasa and what is it that anyone was practicing to the effect of Abhyasa. The sharing was then put into context with reference to the Yoga Sutra 1.12 where Abhyasa is suggested by Maharshi Patanjali for the highest kind of students after stating the mental modifications which occupy the mind which is not in Nirodha state.

Overview on Abhyasa by Niranjan Gogia

The overview of the concept of Abhyasa was sent by Niranjan Gogia which is being reproduced below.

"In Yoga Sutra, the concept of Abhyasa and Vairagya comes in chapter I as a technique to control the modifications or Vrttis of the mind. But practically we are hardly aware of the innumerable fluctuations the mind is undergoing. So how do we do Abhyasa to control these Vrttis?

In our daily life, we are hardly doing anything which can be equated to Abhyasa, towards control of the Vrttis. As far as yoga practice or Sadhana is concerned, some of us may be relatively regular in our Asana, Pranayama practices. Very few of us might be practicing Yamas and Niyamas consciously as a daily practice of yoga. Do these constitute Abhyasa? If yes, how they are helpful in control of the

Patanjali divides Vrttis into Klishta and Aklishta. Finally the aim is to control all the Vrittis. But initially holding on to Aklishta and excluding or controlling the Klishta Vrttis has been recommended. Holding of one Vrtti in exclusion of other Vrttis also constitutes Vrtti Nirodha or yoga.

In this scheme where do our efforts in the form of practice of Asana, Pranayama, Mauna, Maitri, Tapa, Isvarpranidhana etc. fall in. Any yoga technique when practiced successfully brings about a change in our mental makeup. It may create certain steadiness in the form of better self awareness, relaxation, calmness, harmony, sense of peace, sense of confidence and re-assurance. All such experiences are as a result of the Aklishta Vrttis being experienced by the mind.

Enjoying and experiencing such states of mind by various techniques and our efforts put forth for the same voluntarily, constitutes Abhyasa. The important point here is that we are willfully, consciously and as a Sadhana, doing something that helps in change in the mental states. Howsoever little or temporary it may be. A good Sukhasana or a good Savasana can lead to a very calm and self aware
state. Done consciously with own efforts, constitutes Abhyasa. Mauna is conscious Tapa and it can help in experiencing a better state of mind conducive to our wellbeing.

So as members of Swadhyaya, we can find out how our techniques are affecting us and what mental states we are experiencing as a result. We may take any technique which helps us in creating a mental state which can be termed as Aklishta and is helpful in enjoying joyful, peaceful, calm, harmonious and serene states. Such states are also opposed to Kleshas. So during experiencing such states, the mind is relatively a little free from fears, hatred and attachment etc. All efforts in this direction constitute Abhyasa."

There are many members who have not been able to share on the topic this time so please write your views on the blog so we can get to learn from each other.

Conclusion by Hansaji J. Yogendra

Finally, Hansaji explained that we normally work with confusion and variety of external objectives but in the process we ignore our own self. Swadhyaya is a platform where the like-minded teachers meet in union and try to understand themselves by sharing their understanding and experience of life.

We work on our emotions, our weaknesses, our strengths by selecting right activities, working on them with full participation on continuous long-term basis, but with devotion so that activity gives us direction to progress. She suggested that this Sangh [union] should grow and include maximum number of teachers for giving opportunity to all for learning from each other.

Next meeting

The next monthly meeting of the members will be held on Sunday, 10th June 2012 at 11.00 am at The Yoga Institute, Mumbai.

Those who have not yet sent their membership form may please do as early as possible so that you are registered as a member of the association and you remain in touch. Presently our mode of communication will be by email only. Our email address is

You can visit us on the web and can download membership form or our blog or can share your views on Facebook: or

Google Group:

Friday, 4 May 2012

Session on 13th May'12 - Abhyasa

To the trained teachers of The Yoga Institute and Members of The Yoga Institute Alumni Association

Come and participate in the first meeting after reconstitution of the Managing Committee on Sunday, 13th May 2012... between 11.00 am to 12.30 pm at The Yoga Institute for

1) Sharing your vision about Swadhyaya.
2) Detailed guideline and sharing of your experience about the concept of the month   “Abhyasa”.
3) Yogic Recreational Activities
“Swadhyaya” – The Yoga Institute Alumni Association was founded in July 2005 and is nearing completion of 7 years of its formation
On 15th July 2012 with the following aims
1) To maintain and enhance fellowship amongst the qualified teachers of the institute.
2) To renew and maintain the bond between these teachers and the institute as well as its teachings.
3) To provide the members with the platform to interact and share experiences & to display their talents.

We  send hereunder Pointers for Sharing on theconcept and practice of ‘Abhyaas’

  • What does Abhyaas mean to me?
  • What is it that I do in the name of Abhyaas?
  • Do I need someone else to tell me what must I do as Abhyaas?
  • Am I able to select my Abhyaas on my own?
  • What comprise the list of practices for Abhyaas-Asana, Pranayaama,Kriyas, Mudras, Bandhas, or more?
  • Do I have a clear reason for practicing a certain technique?
  • Are the practices mentioned in the Books of The Yoga Instituteexhaustive for us to choose from or we devise our own/ look elsewhere?
  • What is essential for something to be Yoga/ yogic practice/technique
Pl send your views , experiences by email to“” and we shall finally discuss this concept in ourmonthly meeting being held on Sunday, 13 May 2012.
Visit us on the website of the yoga institute – or or or
write to us at

Swadhyaya Managing Committee
Join Hands to Spread the Knowledge of Yoga – The science of man

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Dear Yoga Followers,

Swadhyaya - The Yoga Institute Alumni Association, Santacruz(East), is organizing  a one day Workshop for the trained teachers  and Instructors of The Yoga Institue on Sunday 08th July 2012 at The Institute.

The announcement and the enrolment form are enclosed for your kind perusal.

Special attraction : The Theme “ Know Thyself for better living” by Dr. Jaydev & Smt Hansaben J Yogendra.
If interested, pl enroll your name by sending the enclosed form duly filled in by email to OR
at the earliest as only 60 participants will be registered on First Come basis.

On getting our confirmation you may deposit the registration fees of Rs 250/- in our bank account directly or pay to the accounts department of the yoga institute on getting our confirmation for your registration.


Sunday, 1 April 2012

Swadhyaya Annual General Meeting- 8th April, 2012

The Annual General Meeting of Swadhyaya will be held on Sunday 8th April, 2012 at The Yoga Institute.

All members and their family are invited for the fun filled get-together.

The AGM will include an enjoyable and educative Folk Dance session with coreographer Foram Shah.
This will be followed by a session with our President, Smt. Hansaji.
Finally we will have a contributory Sattvic lunch at the Institute. (lunch Rs. 50/- per person)

All those attending are requested to RSVP latest by Thursday, 5th April.
For RSVP, email, informing us of your name and number of family members attending.
Or call 9969451926

- -
Swadhyaya Managing Committee

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

In the Midst of Life We are at Death

Dear Members,

Our next talk is on Sunday 11th March 2012.

Topic: In the Midst of Life We are at Death
Speaker: Dr. Bhupesh Velaskar
Venue: The Yoga Institute
Time: 11 am onwards, after Satsang.

All Swadhyaya members and their family are invited.

About the Speaker:
Dr. Bhupesh Velaskar is a consulting Psychiatrist practicing since 1995. He is presently attached to P.C.J. Hospital and Guru Nanak Hospital. He has been associated with The Yoga Institute since many years.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Our Spiritual growth

Swadhyaya Commitee members requested Dr. Jayadev for guidance in one's own growth. He has suggessted us (all teachers) to read very old institute magazines and pick an article, and contemplate on it for few days and write down your expereinces. And discuss/share those expereinces amongst ourselves.

We Request everyone to do so and those who are unable to come to the institute can post their expereince on this page or send an e-mail to Dr. Jayadev is waiting to hear from us.

Also, we will be coming up with Q & A section on this page and our blog where in members can send questions related to self improvement or teaching and these will be answered through e-mails,facebook page and blog simultaneosly under Swadhaya's President, Hansaji guidance.

So, people gear up and take the next step towards your own growth.Our Teachers are taking so much interest in our progree, let us not be lazy.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Talk on Laya by Shri Kartik Vyas, 12 Feb 2012

Namaste Members,

Shri Kartik Vyas
Our next meeting will be on Sunday 12th February at The Yoga Institute.
Shri Kartik Vyas will be introducing us to the theory and practicals of Laya.

About the Speaker
Shri Kartik Vyas has been associated with The Yoga Institute since many years now. He is currently teaching in the International Board of Yoga at The Yoga Institute.

Swadhyaya Facebook Page
We are happy to announce that we now have a facebook page where our activities and event announcements will be updated (For events RSVP required). Here is the link for our fb page

Anyone having suggestions and ideas for betterment of our association, are welcome to write to us at

Those who wish to become members of the Alumni Association can do so at the meeting on this Sunday. 
Membership details are given on the membership page on our blog.

Details of Swadhyaya are also given on the official website of The Yoga Institute -

Hope to see you there!

Swadhyaya Managing Committee

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Trip to Devlali

For those who are unaware of Swadhyaya's regular activities, we conduct two trips a year for all our members and their family. Trips provide us with the much needed break from monotonous life and also give us a refreshing and new perception to things. 

The recent trip to Devlali on 6th January, 2012 was a great way to start the new year. It provided us with an opportunity to get to know our fellow teachers better. It helped us bond, share experiences, and simply have some fun together. 

Our bungalow apartments at Kothari Sanatorium, Devlali

Devali (aka Deolali) is a small hill station near Nashik. It is the home of the School of Artillery and not many are aware of the amazing mineral museum nearby known as the Gargoti Museum. Due to its dry and cool air many people come to stay in the sanatoriums in Devlali for weeks and even months to recover from health conditions, especially those related to the Respiratory System. 

Swadhyaya Members
The Swadhyaya members also gave a surprise birthday party to one of our members. The party was preceded with a hilarious game of cards which tested our observation powers and concentration. We shared many jokes and laughs over each other's mistakes. After all, laughter is really the best medicine.
Happy Birthday Ankita

Artillery Park
We visited the Artillery Park nearby which was beautiful and peaceful. We even got to watch some people play golf in the nearby golf course from a vantage point.
Sunset Point
Devlali is a great place to be one with nature. There is greenery everywhere. The roads are clean and one gets to experience all elements of nature very closely.
The Elements of Nature

The Great Warrior- King Rama, Sita And Laxman
The Ramayana is given great importance here. It is believed that there is a cave in Devlali where Sita was hidden by Ravana. There is an old temple which is believed to be almost 500 years old which contains an idol that is believed to be worshiped  by Ravana himself.

Devlali is filled with Jain temples and sanatoriums. We visited some beautiful temples with breathtaking idols and architecture. One of them was a Digambar temple which had a picture museum of the different stories in Jainism. A young Bhramachari lady who lived there explained the stories to us.

We were very moved when we learnt about the stories which correlated so much with the Yogic concepts that we have learnt about. Most of them talk about how a small incident instigates a seemingly ordinary man or even animal to mentally detach with the material world (Vairagya) in order to attain the highest, which is our goal.
Jain God

Engrossed in the Soul

The above picture is that of a Jain God sitting in deep meditation. It is believed that when a person gets so  engrossed in the Atma (Soul) and so detached from the body, he continues to experience pure bliss even if wild animals come and start eating his flesh.

Sermon in the Heavens
Samosaran is the word given in Jainism to the congregation that assembles when God speaks. When God gives his sermons, millions of Lives come to listen to the holy words. It is believed that those who hear the words achieve Kaivalya. Even animals and other creatures come to listen. This congregation is held in the skies where large spaces are converted into beautiful lush lands where Lives can come. Some find the place so mesmerizing that they roam about among the creations, rest under the trees and wander about. These Lives miss out on the holy words and remain stuck in material attachments. One must overcome the attachment to such material things if we want to learn the holy teachings. 
Swadhyaya Group

Returning refreshed and inspired from our visits to such a spiritual place, we all must get back to our routine work. After all, "nothing lasts forever and everything is changeful". However, today, the members of the alumni association present at the trip and their families share a great bond of friendship and happy memories and can't wait for the next trip to come. 

Friday, 20 January 2012

Teaching Yoga in Schools

Mrs. Sudarshan Saigal

Teaching children is a challenge by itself and teaching them Yoga … even a bigger challenge. This challenge is very well experienced by all of us and so, on the 13th of November 2011, one of our senior teachers Mrs. Sudarshan Saigal shared her experience and advice on teaching yoga to children in school.
She very rightly started by saying that the key is to ‘Accept’ the challenge. Not only teaching the children, but managing relations with other staff members in school will also be challenging. 
Not everyone has the knowledge of yoga. You, as a yoga practitioner, a teacher, have to educate and inform them. And to do so the first and foremost thing is to follow the yogic path yourself. Yoga is to be learnt, not taught. We can learn even from an innocent, naughty and yet smart child! Be friendly with the children, teach them concepts, attitudes, leadership qualities, awareness, alertness, concentration. etc. Doing Asanas only should not be given too much importance.
Break the ice by making them feel important: ask them to teach you for eg. Being from a Hindi medium school Mrs. Saigal asked the students of a high profile English medium school to correct her English language if she makes mistakes in the class. That broke the ice and the children felt so happy. They knew that here was a friend and not just a teacher.

To improve their concentration powers make one of them start reading a chapter and quickly ask another student to continue reading from there. So they don’t have time to think also and they are very alert, thinking that they might be the next one to read.

If there is loud music going on outside the examination hall, they can just close their eyes and quietly count 1-10, start breathing in and out and visualize their lesson.

They should always sit with their spine erect and carry their bag on both the shoulders to maintain their posture.

They can be taught all the concepts with games, like counting spaces, juggling; stories, like ‘The Five Gurus’ and a lot more of activities, like singing, dancing, drawing, etc. Be creative and they will love it. Yoga will be fun learning and not boring for them.

A Report by Geeta Udasi.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Trip in January

Dear Members,

Wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

Hope this new year brings us closer to our goal and helps make us grow in our practice of yoga.

Please note that there will be no meeting at The Institute this month as we are going on a trip to Devlali.

The registrations and bookings are complete. We hope that the members who are unable to join us this time will be able to do so next time.

Looking forward to having a great winter holiday together in Devlali.

Once again wishing you a Happy New Year!